Highland Memorial Cemetery, Mt Carmel, Wabash County IL
Frank Baker
Frank Baker Born: 11 Aug 1883 Died: May 1963 Plot:
Where born: 2 Chillicothe OH
Son of: 2 Frank Baker (Apr 1846 OH) & Lydia (Oct 1842 OH)
Married: 1 Lydia Lavada Brines* (1887 IL-1990)
Lived at: 2 1900 Decker - Knox Co. IN 1910-30 Friendsville 1942 Allendale
Children: - Lulu Mae* (1908 IL m1: ? Clifton; m:2 ? Leipold)
Catherine Cleo* (1917 m: Francis Leeds*) (obit of Francis and Catheine)