Highland Memorial Cemetery, Mt Carmel, Wabash County IL
Francis L Jr Beard
Francis L Jr Beard Born: 21 Jun 1928 Died: 9 Sep 2009 Plot:
age 81; Korean War Where born: 2 Okmulgee OK Where died: 2 Mt Carmel Son of: 2 Francis L Beard Sr* & Vivian M Garrison* Married: 1 21 Aug 1954 Mt Carmel Frances Marie Herbst* Children: - Elisa (m: ? Suiter res: Birmingham AL) -
Ellen (m: Tom Schaad res: Venice FL) -
Leslie (m: Ricky Bohr res: Nashville TN) -
Bradley (m: Robin res: Mt Carmel) -
infant son Francis Gregory* (1960) Lived at: 2 1930 Beggs- Okmulgee OK 1940 French Creek- Edwards Co IL Siblings: - Elaine (ca 1927 OK-d: m: ? Small) -
Patsy (ca 1936 KS m: George Hubbard) -
Jay (dau ca 1936 KS) -
Wanda (m: ? Isbell res: Nashville TN) (obit and obit of Frances)