Highland Memorial Cemetery, Mt Carmel, Wabash County IL
Oris Clair Swanson
Oris Clair Swanson Born: 13 May 1919 Died: 10 Jan 1969 Plot:
Where born: 2 NB Son of: 2 Awen G. Swanson (ca 1887 KS) & Bertha F. (ca 1890) Married: 1 Georgia Piercy* Lived at: 2 1920 Elwood - Gosper Co NB 1930 Ogallala - Keith Co NB Children: - Patty Kay (21 Nov 1944-11 Dec 2009 Browns - Edwards Co IL m: Ray Etzkorn) -
Pamela* (1946 m1: Raymond Eckiss*; m2: John [Jack] Blevins) -
Nancy (m: Len Wells res: Fairfield) -
Mary Lou (m: Don Dicus res: Mt. Carmel) -
Steve (m: Diana res: Mt. Carmel) -
Michael* (1942) -
Bill (m: Martha res: Evansville IN). (obit of Michael* and Pamela Blevins*)