Highland Memorial Cemetery, Mt Carmel, Wabash County IL
Paul Terry Prow
Paul Terry Prow Born: 17 Jul 1954 Died: 12 Jul 2014 Plot:
age 59 Where born: 2 Corona CA Where died: 2 Mt Carmel Son of: 2 Harold Prow & Bonnie Witherspoon Married: 1 1980 Gibson Co IN Kathy Stiles* Children: - Keisha (m: Shane Willett res: Mt Carmel) -
Brian (res: Mt Carmel) -
Beth (m: Brad Beasley-Ft Branch IN) Siblings: - Mike (m: Debbie res: IA) -
Tony (res: KY) -
Tina (res: IL) -
Trisha (m: Steve res: KY); uncle: Bill Witherspoon (d) -
Grandma Prow (d). (obit and obit of Kathy)