Highland Memorial Cemetery, Mt Carmel, Wabash County IL
William Edgar [Bill] Weir
William Edgar [Bill] Weir Born: 4 Feb 1926 Died: 2 Oct 1998 Plot:
US Navy WWII Age: 2 72 Born & Died: 2 Mt Carmel Son of: 2 Walter Wendell Weir (1905-1973) & Ada Lowe (1904-1956) both buried Rose Hill Cem Married: 1 1952 MO Gloria L Frederick* Married 2nd: 1 Shirley Jean (1936-2007 buried Rose Hill Cem) Lived at: 2 1930-50 Mt Carmel Children: - David Kent (1958 Mt Carmel-2003 buried Rose Hill Cem) -
James K* (1961 Mt Carmel) -
Patrick (m: Darlene) -
Mike -
Tom (m: Annie); step ch: Jim Stansfield (m: Pat) -
Penny Stansfield. (obit and obit of James)