Highland Memorial Cemetery, Mt Carmel, Wabash County IL
William F [Bill] Bailey
William F [Bill] Bailey Born: 28 Nov 1934 Died: 29 May 2018 Plot:
may not be buried here Age: 2 83; US Army Where born: 2 Albion Where died: 2 Grayville Lived at: 2 Browns Son of: 2 Major Bailey & Ruth Hinderliter both buried Highland Cem Married: 1 18 Jun 1988 Sherry Bobbitt (res: Browns IL) Children: - Billie Lynn (ca 1954 m: JB Young res: Midland TX) -
Randy (ca 1956 with Lisa Cheng res: Paradise Valley AZ) -
Rita (ca 1957 m: Steve Firley res: Scottsdale AZ) -
Mitchell Melvin (ca 1950 res: Phoenix AZ) -
Colleen (ca 1961 with Steve Kuzmich res: Dallas TX) -
William Major (res: Browns IL); stepson: Jimmy Reynolds (d); member of Saint Mary?s Church Mt Carmel. (obit)