James Clayton Johnston Born: 28 Aug 1891 Died: 7 Dec 1930 Plot: 13
age 39 Where born: Bradford OH Where died: Bridgeport - Lawrence Co IL Son of: William B Johnston (7 Nov 1852 Rockland Co PA-1 Dec 1921 Bridgeport IL) & Elsie Jane [Jennie] Cribbs (Jun 1856 Neckville PA) of Bradford OH Married: 20 Oct 1910 Bridgeport- Lawrence Co IL Sarah Irwin (Jul 1891 IL; d/of Thomas Irwin* & Nancy Stahl*) Lived at: 1900 Toldedo OH 1918-20 Bridgeport Children: - James -
Helen Frances* -
Dorothy Dean*
* indicates buried with James Clayton Johnston in Pisgah Cemetery.
About Pisgah Cemetery:
Cemetery of the Pisgah Presbyterian Church - organized 1833. 4.5 miles south of Bridgeport on CR 900E. Burials: 228 Location: 4.5 miles south of Bridgeport, Illinois - Lawrence County