Wabash Graves website

Allison Cemetery, Lawrence County IL

Malinda (Allison) Pinkstaff

  Malinda (Allison) Pinkstaff     Born: 1814    Died: 28 May 1856    Plot:

Daughter of:   John Allison & Lydia Mills
Married:   1834 Andrew Pinkstaff (1809 KY-1869 IL buried Seaney Cem - Pinkstaff - Crawford Co; m2: 1858 Mary Elizabeth Cannon)
- John Andrew (1834 IL-1905 IL buried Charlottesville Cem - Birds IL; m1: Susanna Elizabeth Lindsey; m2: Permilia Cornelia Parker)
- Lucinda (1838 IL m: Abner Ford)
- Martin Van Buren (1840 IL-1904 IL buried Otterbein Cem - Birds IL; m: Anna Seitzinger)
- William Alfred (1841 IL-1894 buried Saline Co IL; m: Polly Ann)
- Jasper Thomas (1847 IL-1924 buried St Paul Cem - Birds IL; m: Mary Ellen Wampler)
- Marinda (1849 IL-1920 buried Seaney Cem - Pinkstaff IL; m: Abner Montgomery)
- Valmore (1851 IL-1888 TX m: Sara E Zuck)
- Anna (1854 IL-1890 buried Ford Cem Flat Rock- Crawford Co; m: Nathaniel Montgomery)

      * indicates buried with Malinda (Allison) Pinkstaff in Allison Cemetery.

Monument Photo
Cemetery Photo

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    - Allison Cemetery
    - All Cemeteries of WabashGraves.com

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    - Allison Cemetery
    - All Cemeteries of WabashGraves.com

About Allison Cemetery:
Allison Cemetery is a small cemetery located near Russellville, Lawrence Co IL
Burials: 34
Location: Russellville, Lawrence County, Illinois