Wabash Graves website

Portee-Pinkstaff Cemetery, Lawrence County IL

Henry J Morris

  Henry J Morris     Born: 1817    Died: Jul 14, 1892    Plot:

Where born:   KY
Married 1st:   Mar 20, 1938 Lawrence Co Lucretia Portee
Married 2nd:   14 Aug 1866 Lawrence Co Jemima Cole (m1: Isaac Anderson)
- Sarah Ann(1844 IL-1941 Los Angeles CA)
- James Mason (1845-1926 m: Mary Catherine)
- Artlice (1847)
- John (1849)
- William (1852)
- Henry Calvin (1857 IL-1880 IL)
- Louisa Jane* (1872 m: George Lyles*)

Monument Photo
Cemetery Photo

See all Morris memorials in:
    - Portee-Pinkstaff Cemetery
    - All Cemeteries of WabashGraves.com

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    - Portee-Pinkstaff Cemetery
    - All Cemeteries of WabashGraves.com