Where born: Lawrenceville Where died: St Louis MO Son of: Isaac Thomas Childress* & Clara Delong Married: 2 Jun 1917 Lawrence Co IL Millie Opal Thompson* Lived at: 1920-40 Bond twp - Lawrence Co IL Children: - Carl Edgar (1918-1983 m: Loise Hershey) -
Verice Eldon (1919-2015 buried Peoria IL; m: Maxine L Hendry) -
Clara Ann* (1921) -
Rosemary (1923 m: Elmer Peterson) -
John Isaac (1925-2012) -
Huberta (1928 m: Schultz) -
Barbara Jean (1929 m: James Theodore Moore) -
George E (1931-2006 m: Alice Louise Russell) -
Helen Rae (1933-2002 OH; m: Donald Coleman Atkins) -
Charles L (1936) -
Larry D (1939 m: Faye) -
James Andrew (obits of Millie and John Isaac and Helen Rae)