Son of: Thomas Harlan Pinkstaff (1872-1944) & Lily May Cessna (1875-1962) both bur St Paul Cem Married: 24 Oct 1923 Mary E Bennett* Children: - Wilbur E* (1925) -
Jack E (1932 IL-2014 IL bur Lawrenceville City Cem; m: Mary Frances Sheridan) -
Faye (m: Chism)
* indicates buried with Luther Garfield Pinkstaff in Centerville Cemetery.
About Centerville Cemetery:
Centerville Cemetery - An active cemetery located in the NE corner of the NW quarter of Section 25, Township 4 North, Range 11 West of the 2nd PM in Allison Township, Lawrence County, Illinois. Cemetery is about 5.6 miles ENE of Lawrenceville, the county seat. Cemeteries closeby include: Howard Cemetery, Otterburn Cemetery and Lagow Cemetery. Burials: 692 Location: Allison township, Lawrence County, Illinois