John Andrew Pinkstaff Born: Sep 3, 1834 Died: Sep 29, 1905 Plot:
Where born: IL Son of: Andrew Pinkstaff (1809-1869 buried Seaney Cem) & Malinda Allison (1814-1856 buried Allison Cem) Married 1st: Susanna Elizabeth Lindsay Married 2nd: ca 11 Feb 1858 Crawford Co IL Permilia Cornelia Parker* Lived at: 1850 Lawrence Co IL 1870 Montgomery- Crawford Co IL 1880 Wise Co TX 1900 Crawford Co IL Children: - Samuel Owen (28 Apr 1863 IL-1911 NM) -
Rhoda Ann (14 Jul 1866 Crawford Co IL-1957 TX m: Charles Reshaw) -
James Andrew* (12 Jul 1870 IL) -
Mary Elizabeth (1876 Crawford Co IL-1946 TX m: Thomas L Sellars) -
George Franklin (25 Jun 1884 Crawford Co IL-1961 OK) -
William Burr (Feb 1886 IL-1970 buried Flat Rock- Crawford Co IL) -
Perlina Frances* (1889 m: Thomas Ray Ridgeway*) -
* indicates buried with John Andrew Pinkstaff in Charlottesville Cemetery.
About Charlottesville Cemetery:
Charlottesville Cemetery - an active cemetery located in Bond township - Lawrence County, Illinois, on the northside of 1800N highway. Cemetery is located about 4 miles west of Birds, Illinois. Key surnames of those buried in Charlottesville Cemetery are Goff, Griffin, Highsmith, and Longnecker. Burials: 639 Location: Birds, Lawrence County, Illinois