John Pinkstaff Born: Oct 22, 1787 Died: Aug 17, 1856 Plot:
Where born: Frederick Co VA Where died: Lawrence Co Son of: Andrew Pinkstaff* & Winnie Owen Redmon* Married: 1808 Susanna Foley* Children: - Andrew* (1809 m1: 1834 Malinda Allison; m2: 1858 Mary Elizabeth Cannon*) -
Henry Foley* (1811 m: Charlotte Heath*) -
Owen Foley* (1812 KY m1: Catherine Heath*; m2: Mary Ann Robinson*; m3: Elizabeth Thompson) -
Nancy* (1814 KY m: John Alezander Lackey*) -
Cynthia Ann* (1818 m: John White*) -
John* (1819 m: Lucinda Rich*) -
Alfred* (1821 m: Marie Dorothy Fritchey*) -
Susannah* (1823 m: Anthony Wardell*) -
John Redmon (1825 IL-1868 MO m: Marinda Allison) -
Elizabeth (1828 IL-CA m: Ebenezer StClair Moore) -
Emmeline* (1830 m: William Riley Rich) -
Lucinda* (1832) -
Francis Marion (1835-1912 buried Derr Cem; m1: Roena M Toby; m2: Mary Emeline Sechrest; m3: Mary Frances Duncan)
* indicates buried with John Pinkstaff in Seaney Cemetery.
About Seaney Cemetery:
Seaney Cemetery - also known as East Pinkstaff Cemetery - is located east of Pinkstaff, just west of CR 1600E, about 1/2 mile north of CR1600N. About half of the burials in Seaney Cemetery are related to the Pinkstaff family. Burials: 119 Location: Pinkstaff, Lawrence County, Illinois