Marie Dorothy (Fritchey) Pinkstaff Born: Nov 11, 1825 Died: Aug 18, 1861 Plot:
Where born: Washington Co MD Where died: Lawrence Co Daughter of: Joseph Charles Fritchey Sr (1794-1868) & Mary Meader (1800-1870) both buried Emmons Cem Married: Alfred Pinkstaff*
* indicates buried with Marie Dorothy (Fritchey) Pinkstaff in Seaney Cemetery.
About Seaney Cemetery:
Seaney Cemetery - also known as East Pinkstaff Cemetery - is located east of Pinkstaff, just west of CR 1600E, about 1/2 mile north of CR1600N. About half of the burials in Seaney Cemetery are related to the Pinkstaff family. Burials: 119 Location: Pinkstaff, Lawrence County, Illinois